
Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Angry Reader Gets a Taste of Me >=D

This is taken from the comments on a site I was looking at and I noticed a reader decided to be a bit harsh in regards to the entire site.  So I decided to offer my services (for free I might add) to help defend their "honor".  Here is a link to the actual page this all occurred on  or feel free to read below. HappyPlace Site


steve | 3 hours ago

These would be A LOT more funny if they were real. Anyone can photoshop a receipt, sign or other wordplay, but what about funny stuff that's actually real?

And since I'm on a tear, are the captions and content for this site written by high school freshmen? Seems like it sometimes. Smart it up, MFers!!!

OK, bring on the hateful comments against me..... how about starting with this one:

"If you don't like the content, stop coming here, jackass." 

Cory | 2 hours ago

Dear Steve,
We are actually in Jr. High School. Thank you very much for making us feel so much more mature and educated!

Perhaps we should "smart it up" a bit more seeing as we are actually 8 years old and are already prepping our thesis on quantum mechanics for when we attain our MBA in a few years. The #1 reason we have kept things to a "freshman" level is so you can actually understand them.

We aren't saying there is anything wrong with only having a 5th grade education and being married with 4 kids to your cousin, we all have a right to choose our own path. Yours is just a bit less desirable.


steve | 35 minutes ago

Ah, Cory, you make funny joke! LOL! You make me into cousin lover! That funny because not true! Ironical humor very funny. Make me LOL!

If site owners really jr school high students, you deserve commendation for pre-MBA-style entrepreneurial vision and funny jokes. If not, you play laughing prank on me again with your sister!

Me sorry for criticize site; I know it painful on you. 

Cory & his sister | 3 minutes ago

Hello Steve,
My previous email was merely from me, but seeing as you thought it was myself and my sister I asked her to join me in responding to you. She say's hi.

We find it interesting that your typing and word usage went from that of a seemingly intelligent 5th grader to that of someone who is perhaps foreign and doesn't grasp the English language 100%. Not that this is a bad thing most of the foreigners we know make really great food at our favorite takeout restaurants.

We talked it over and agree that perhaps an explanation is that in the first message you physically typed the email but in the second you used a voice to text program and so it literally generated what you were saying.

If this is the case we think that you should focus on responding only by typing your responses as your other method causes quite a few flaws in your sentences. Or another option would be hiring a speech coach.

When we were little we had a neighbor that lived down the street that was struck by lightning while skinny dipping in her pool one night. The result of which was her inability to grow hair on 70% of her body and loss of all control of the muscles in her face. She spent countless months working with physical therapists and speech coaches to help her regain the ability to move her face and speak again. In the end she was only able to get to a point where she could make slurry grunts and had to tape her eyelids open to see, but if she can come this far then there is hope for you our friend!

Cory & his sister

There may be more to come...

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