
Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few

Friday, June 3, 2011

Email to David Thorne #9

Hello David,

Well that explains it all.  You must really have a pathetic email filter though.  Seeing as the spelling of my name is Cory (notice no e) and your acquaintance Corey (notice with an e) is a bit different.  Perhaps if your email filter could look at the names next to each other it would have better luck.  Can you show this to the filter for me as I don’t want it misplacing emails from me any further:

CORY – Not ‘Other stuff’
COREY – Place in ‘Other stuff’

Or is it possible that your filter only looks at the first three characters in order to determine if it is in fact Corey and therefore needs to go to the ‘Other stuff’ folder.  I think you should check into this as soon as possible for if this is the case the following people will all go to your ‘Other stuff’ folder:  Cor, Cora, Coral, Coralie, Corazon, Cordelia, Coretta, Corinna, Corinne, Corliss, Cornelia, Cordis, Cordula, Corin, Corinthia, Corisande, Corona, Corvina, Cordell, Cornelius, Cornell, Cortez, Corbett, Corbin, Corbinian, Corcoran, Cordero, Corin, Corvin, Cormac, Cormick, Cork, Corliss, Cornwallis, Corridon, or Cort.

This aside, I hope you were able to retrieve my other emails for the ‘Other stuff’ folder.  I am very interested in your thoughts in regards to Lucius and Barfelius and our future business ventures.  To show my good faith and hope that you forgive me for what I did with your book and photo of you I have made certain to rectify the situation.  Please see the photo attached.


PS. It’s actually Cory I just didn’t want that filter to nab me again.

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