
Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Email to David Thorne #2

Hi Dave,
I still have yet to hear from you in regards to my first email.  But I will fret not.  I assume you are probably busy traveling through time or out purchasing a robot, monkey, or possibly even a robot monkey.

That reminds me of a time when I was about 7 and I desired to be a robot so much that I began to move, talk, and act as a robot would.  I would move about the trailer my parents and I lived in moving with my arms and legs very straight.  I would walk about saying need input, DANGER Will Robinson DANGER, and Klaatu barada nikto (I know it wasn’t Gort that said this but if he had I think the movie would have been better).  It went on for a couple of days, I even went to the extreme to stop consuming water as it would cause me to rust and food seeing as I couldn’t process it.  Finally on the third day, very weak and fatigued, I decided to ingest half a bottle of 5w30 motor oil.  It was surprisingly tasty.

What came to be very distasteful was my ensuing hospital visit when my parents discovered my consumption of the motor oil.  They rushed me to the hospital where they shoved a tube down my throat in order to suck the contents of my stomach out and save my life.  I was kept in the hospital for the better part of a week for observation and forced to drink a very nasty chalky substance once or twice a day.  Looking back on this I am ashamed at how stupid I was to think a robot would be powered on oil, perhaps as a lubricant, but I should have ingested gasoline or even attempted to plug myself into a wall outlet.

Attached please find Day 2 of the journeys of Lucius and the cat I drew as a substitution for late fees.  You will find them in a vast mountainous area.  The cat I drew as a substitution for late fees is quite adventurous not only for spending so much time in close proximity to Lucius but also climbing that little hill wouldn’t you say?

I was also thinking about my request for a free T-shirt, seeing as you do have infinity of them feel free to send me half of the infinity.  I think if I have done my math correctly you will still have infinity left.


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