
Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Interesting Person of the Day

Redneck (Wannabe Sheriff)

A man called me with quite the country accent.  He told me he had initially planned on taking his TSS near where he lives but discovered there were additional fees (which the form tells you when you sign up).  So he wanted to take his TSS back in my county instead.  I told him that since it had been more than 45 days since we sent his first letter he would have to pay $25 to take it back in my county.

To which he responded: “Tha’s BULLSHIT!  I shouln’t has to pay a dime.  You’s really gett’in away with ripp'in people off.  Yow lucky I’m not a sherriff ther cause I would tell my officors not to write any more speed’in tickets and put yous out of bidness.  Ther was a runn’in fer sherriff in Texas and they allow people with felernies to run, and thas what one dun.  He sayd he was go’in to take all the rader guns out of cop cars n focus on felernies bufore midemeaners.  N he won.  People aint kill’in people by speed’in.  Ya dun hear people get’in cherged wit attemptered murder fer speed’in.”

In the end he elected to see what the fees are closer to home and call me if it’s a better deal to just pay me.  I hope he does. :)

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