
Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Interesting Person of the Day

As you may or may not know I work for a Traffic Safety School (TSS) for the county I live in.  I decided after the woman I spoke with today that their stories deserve to be only the way I can.  So without further adieu the first of many:

Blind Woman Driving

A woman called me to inform me that she had not yet received her TSS letter and had paid for/signed up for class a couple months ago.  So I got her paperwork and it turns out she signed up for the wrong class and we already sent her a letter.  She said she never received her letter and that she didn't in fact fill out the registration because she is legally blind...

My Thoughts:
1) You are legally blind...and driving?
2) Did you try to ask the officer to waive the ticket seeing as you probably couldn't see the speed limit?
3) Are you sure you didn't get our letter or just can't see it?
4) Do you normally drive a vehicle being that you are "legally blind"?
5) Do you operate any other major vehicles or machinery?
6) What's it like driving blind?

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