
Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Email to David Thorne #4

Dear Day Day,

It’s me again!  How are things?  Me you ask?  Oh I am just fine.  Just got done with lunch and am starting to question whether the booze I snuck into work in my stomach was such a good idea.  I wish that I could have resisted but the Raspberry Long Island Iced Tea from Medici’s is to die for.  I know that sounds crazy…dying for a beverage…but I think there are far more foolish things to die for.  Things like true love, family, or STD’s from having unprotected sex with numerous partners.

Speaking of dying did you know that when you fall down a bottomless pit you die of starvation?  I haven’t yet had the opportunity to put this fact to the test, but it seems pretty sound to me.  I was contemplating this while I was fighting off a Chimera this morning that came from an inter-dimensional vortex that opened up in my cube space.  Lucky for Brittany my coworker that it occurred right after she left our office to go brown nose, I mean run to the restroom.  I managed to slay the beast using a weapon fashioned from various sizes of paper clips, white out, and a post-it note.

You might ask what brought about my comments of bottomless pits.  Well as you will see attached is yet another photo of Lucius and the cat I drew as a substitution for late fees this time going sky diving!  They are quite adventurous!  I can’t imagine the feeling of falling for the hours it must take to reach earth when you jump from a plane. They even found friends this time.  I think they wanted to jump alone but seeing as this was their first time they had to be accompanied.

I had another thought about the half of an infinities worth of T-Shirts you will be sending me.  I think I might go ahead and sell my car and everything I own in order to put the money towards opening my own shop.  It will be title “David Thorne T-Shirts he Wore”.  I will sell your shirts as described in the previous email.  Not to worry I still plan to give you the cost of the normal shirt and I will keep the difference from the markup.  We will both be winners!  I think that I am making quite the following for you what with the cult religion I have started.  We can focus on that another time though.


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