
Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Email to David Thorne #5

Dear Mr. Thorney,

Hello buddy!  Just your ever humble messenger of “The Word(s) of David”.  That is what I have titled the new cult following I brought about for you.  I know I am super fantastic!  The Word(s) of David or TW(s)D for short has an astounding 5 followers at the moment.  They include, me, myself, I, my cat, and the hobo that rummages through my garbage each week.  It involves reading your website from beginning to end, then from end to beginning each day.  It also requires 3 hours time spent on contemplation of the different abilities frogs could have and their uses in everyday life and medicine.  Once my copy of the book arrives I will read it in place of the website.  I have already made a place for it in my nightstand in my bedroom.  It will be like how you used to find a bible in the nightstands at shady hotels you went to sleep with prostitutes.  Sleeping with them in the hotel was best as you avoid your spouse discovering the two of you and going into a murderous rampage strangling the prostitute to death.  That has only happened to me twice.  Don’t worry, I learned my lesson.

Speaking of religion, check out the attached photo of Lucius and the cat I drew as a substitution for late fees.  They decided to take a day off from doing so many outdoors activities and visit a museum to learn a bit more about Lucius’ Native American heritage.  Check out the cat I drew as a substitution for late fees, it wore it’s rain dance boots, and Lucius wore his great great great great great great great grandmother’s traditional rain dance headdress.  I think they must be doing quite a rain dance as that is all it has been doing here where I live.  Granted I would gladly take a bit of rain over flooding or tornadoes as other areas of the United States have been faced with.

That reminds me.  I had another thought about the business I will be starting titled “David Thorne T-Shirts he Wore” selling your half an infinites worth of T-Shirts you will be giving me at a markup, giving you the difference of the value and my cut the markup.  I think the business could spread across the entire United States.  Wouldn’t that be something!?  If I have done my figures right it will be one of the top fortune 500 companies within 1.7 years.  Perhaps at that point we can start making major charitable donations to help sponsor a black boy.  I read about one somewhere (can’t remember where) but I think we could keep him from having to eat anymore rats with maggots.  I definitely would not like that!  Unless I was some kind of freak that enjoyed that sort of thing.  Or if I was myself a poor black boy and had no money, food, or non-maggoty rats.  But I am neither.


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