
Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few

Monday, May 23, 2011 Late Fees Refund Attempt

From: Cory Dawson
Subject: Late Fees
Date: Monday, May 16, 2011, 10:47 AM

I am writing in regards to the late fees I was assessed on the two books I have rented from you.  I didn’t realize they were due back on 5/11/2011.  I actually still had classes until 5/12/2011 as that is when my finals ended.  I still needed my books until then to study for them.  I was wondering if there was any way the fees could be refunded.



From: Heather
To: Cory Dawson
Subject: RE: CASE # 3222659
Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2011, 11:26 AM


Since the books were due on 5/11/2011- and still have not been returned the late fees are appropriate. We provide you with a 5 day grace period to account for things like weather delays, or weekends. Once the 5 days have passed you are charged an extension fee totalling 10 days and changing your due date to 5/21/11. Provided we receive the item by that date you will not be charged any futher fees.

Thank You

From: Cory Dawson
Subject: RE: RE: CASE # 3222659
Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2011, 3:48 PM

Dear Heath,

I completely understand that you must follow certain business practices to instill your survival in such an economy even if that means grubbing money from already struggling college students.  As a student learning and learning from my mistakes I would like to point out your mistake(s) in regards to spelling.  If you look below at your previous message to me you will notice I have highlighted the words “totalling” & “futher”.  I can only assume that you intended to say “totaling” & “further”.  Please don’t take this to mean I am trying to put words in your mouth.  And no apology is necessary I am sure that trivial things such as proper spelling or using a “spell check” fall by the wayside when you are busy with taking so many students money for their week’s worth of Ramen Noodles or McDonalds $1 double hamburgers (not to be confused with the double cheeseburger as they cost more than $1).

I digress.  Back to the subject at hand.  I propose a trade for the $15.12.  Being that I am an aspiring Graphic Designer I have created a picture of a cat for you that I value at $25.  You will find the picture of the cat attached to this email.  You will note that this is $9.88 more than I owe you however I do like to help out struggling businesses.  Now if you can please refund the $15.12 we can conclude our business.



From: Heather
To: Cory Dawson
Subject: RE: RE: RE: CASE # 3222659
Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2011, 10:59 AM

Why thank you so much for making your point for me. Since we hand type literally thousands of emails everyday- very quickly- sadly typos do occur.

I'm sorry to say, your books are still late, and the late fees will not be refunded.


From: Cory Dawson
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: CASE # 3222659
Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2011, 11:54 AM

Dear Heat,

You are very welcome!  I figured you were very busy, but only thousands of emails?  I’m surprised it’s not in the hundreds of thousands!  That reminds me of when I worked for a collection agency and had to make hundreds of thousands of calls each day trying to take money from people mostly under the poverty line of my state.  Despite them being in poverty they did incur the debts though so I can understand that you are merely functioning in a similar fashion to sustain your business while “kicking down the little guy”.

I am sorry to press the matter so but as I stated I am in college.  I make very little at my current job and am supporting myself through college.  I hope to attain my Associates Degree in Online Customer Support in no time.  My current job involves sticking labels on Chiquita Banana’s.  Bet you didn’t know how they got on them, yep it’s me.  Perhaps I would have had an easier time had my father not died while I was quite young.  He was kill by the big C.  Not many can say that about their loved ones.  Before you go confusing it with cancer it was actually the Big C from the Coca-Cola plant that he worked at.  Quite a tragedy wouldn’t you say?

On top of that I had to grow up an only child with my mother who is mentally ill.  She has DID (dissociative disorder) or better known as multiple personalities.  It may not sound too bad but imagine waking to her dressed in a rain poncho, growling, and peeing on your grandparents in order to make them think they are peeing the bed and therefore shouldn’t be allowed custody of their only grandchild.

One last item to address.  I guess since you won’t be refunding my money I will need back the picture of the cat I made for you as payment for the late fees.  If you could please send it back to me we can conclude our business.


From: Paul
To: Cory Dawson
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: CASE # 3222659
Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2011, 2:54 PM

Hello Cory,

This email address is unable to receive attachments.

Thank You


From: Cory Dawson
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: CASE # 3222659
Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2011, 3:36 PM
Dear Heather, 

You received my email which included the photo of the cat therefore you must have it.  It hasn’t showed up at my inbox backdoor scratching to be let in so I think you still have it.  And in all actuality I unintentionally pasted 2 copies of the cat into the email.  So if I am doing my math right at $25 per cat that is $75.  I would even reason to offer a discount for 3 at the price of $60.  I think you will agree this is quite the deal.  I think that if you refuse to return the picture of the cat you should at least refund the $15.12. 

This reminds me of a time when I purchased a time machine from the internet.  I reviewed the site in great detail and their theories on quantum time mechanics seemed to be very sound.  I paid the initial cost of $79.99 and following that was to be 3 low installments of $49.99 billed over the next few months.  Upon receipt of the device I read it’s 2.5 pages of instructions very thoroughly.  In summary you merely plugged it in, placed the handlebar between your legs, and inserted the mouth guard.  Prior to this you adjusted the dials to the year, month, day, and time you wished to arrive at.  Then you pressed the single red button labeled “Убивать электрическим током” which the instruction manual said meant activate. 

I followed every step to the letter.  I awoke after pressing the red button to find that instead of going to the past, specifically the year 1985 when Doc Brown invented his Delorean Time Machine, I had arrived several hours into the future and my genitals and insides of my legs were severely burned.  Confused and in immense pain, and not knowing what had happened I figured I could alleviate my pain by going into the past several hours and warning myself not to use the time machine.  Fortunately I realized I might just end up in the future several hours later again, and possibly in more pain so I aborted the attempt. 

After several days in the hospital and many skin grafts later I contacted the website that I had purchased the time machine and demanded a full refund and informed them I would not be making the final 3 payments of $49.99.  They refused to give me my money back, and shortly thereafter their website vanished.  I was left minus my $79.99 and with what turns out to be a really good popcorn machine.  The moral of the story and what I would like to relate to the situation at hand is that I would greatly appreciate the return of either the picture of the cat I sent you or my $15.12. 

To help in identifying the picture of the cat in the event you think that is an easier approach than merely refunding the $15.12 I have included a picture of the picture of the cat I sent.  It is attached and pasted in the email. 


From: Cory Dawson
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: CASE # 3222659
Date: Friday, May 20, 2011, 11:18 AM

Hello Pleather, 

I am very disappointed in the lack of response from your business.  Given that I am in training for my Associates Degree in Online Customer Support I have learned that you want to respond to the customer in a timely manner.  And if they are disgruntled and feel cheated that sometimes it doesn’t hurt to give them what they want within reason.  Granted I know you are busy dealing with thousands of hand typed disappointments to your customers in regards to fee refunds, but as I have discovered there are at least two of you.  And since it is only thousands and not hundreds of thousands what gives? 

That reminds me of a time that I gave blood at a school blood drive.  It was my very first and last time and I was very excited to be doing so.  I answered the barrage of questions they have and as much as I didn’t want to had my finger pricked to do the blood iron test.  Once that was through and all seemed well for me to proceed they took me over to what looked like the kind of chairs you take to the beach.  Not the simple upward seated position ones but the ones that are longer and have an adjustable back and leg portion.  The technician began to prick my arm for the donation to being and at that moment my chair snapped sending me reeling backwards as the lower portion of the chair slammed backwards on me trapping me in and upside-down position.  Very embarrassing as you can imagine! 

As I and the technician struggled to free myself suddenly I felt very weak and light headed.  That’s when I noticed the blood pool forming next to me.  It seems that as the chair collapsed the technician had accidentally jammed the needle into my arm and it tore a bit before snapping off.  Before I could react to the blood loss though the panic and loss of blood lead to me passing out.  I came to several hours later in the ER.  They had managed to stop the bleeding, I actually received a transfusion so thank you to the people that donate and aren’t maimed in the process. 

You may think this is the reason that I never have donated again.  Actually it is because several weeks after the incident I had sexual relations with another man.  At the moment there is some rule banning you from donation if you are a man that has had sex with a man since the year 1977 or so.  Quite unfair, I would like my homosexual blood to be used to save people as much as heterosexual blood gets to. 

Back to the main issue.  I am still seeking the return of the photo of the cat I sent you or the $15.12 for my late fees.  I have included the original email in case it helps to clear up anything in case you did in fact fail to receive it and are not just ignoring me (the customer). 



From: Heather
To: Cory Dawson
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: CASE # 3222659
Date: Friday, May 20, 2011, 11:31 AM


No amount of emailing changes the fact that the item was late and you were appropriately charged as per the terms of agreement when you placed the order.

The book was due on 5/11/2011- you were give a 5 day grace period and appropriately chared a late fee on 5/16/2011. We still did not receive the item until 5/19/2011- and can clearly see from the FedEx tracking information that the item wasn't sent until the 17th of May 2011.

The charge is appropriate and no amount of emailing will change that.

Automatic extension fees
Make sure to return or extend your rental by the due date posted to avoid incurring an automatic extension fee. The due date is listed in your order confirmation and is available online in your customer account and is the last possible day for your item to be returned. If it is not returned by this day, you will be charged a 15 day automatic extension fee. Items that are not returned within 15-days of the due date will convert into a sale. No refund of the rental deposit or automatic extension fee will be offered.

Thank You

From: Cory Dawson
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: CASE # 3222659
Date: Friday, May 20, 2011, 11:47 AM

Dear Hea, 

Thank you for such a prompt response.  Glad to see I wasn’t forgotten or ignored.  You have made me feel like the only person you are helping, despite my knowing it’s actually thousands. 

I understand the part about the late fees.  Thank you for sending me the direct links to the information.  Your site with its 6 pages was very confusing and this makes it so much easier to find. 

Still, can you please send me the picture of the cat I sent you?  Once I have received that our business will be concluded. 



From: Heather
To: Cory Dawson
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: CASE # 3222659
Date: Friday, May 20, 2011, 11:58 AM


I'm sorry, we're not going to continue with this back and forth regarding an attachment that we did not nor will ever receive since our mail program will not recieve them. We will not respond to any further inquires.



From: Cory Dawson
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: CASE # 3222659
Date: Friday, May 20, 2011, 1:17 PM

Hello He, 

Ok.  I will miss you. 


From: Cory Dawson
Subject: Return of the cat I sent in exchange for late fees
Date: Friday, May 20, 2011, 1:22 PM


I am writing to speak to someone in regards to a picture I drew of a cat in exchange for late fees.  The issue is that person I sent the picture with (I think her name was Heifer) refused to accept the picture as payment despite its value being $25, $9.88 more than the cost of the late fees.  She then in turn refused to return the photo.  I would merely like my photo returned.  When I receive your response I can send you a photo of the photo of the cat for identification purposes.



  1. With all the time you spent emailing them you could be working a second job and pay for your late fees

  2. Sorry for the delayed response Mr. Ominous. I would have responded sooner however I have been very busy concocting a plan to take over the world using the hoards of nasty sewer fly's in my basement that my landlord chooses to ignore. They have almost learned our language, the next step is teaching them to eat humans. Wish me luck.

    In regards to your suggestion that I get a second job you might be quite right. Perhaps you with your immense knowledge of quantum theory and how to create stable wormholes can help me in finding one.

    Despite spending 27 hours a day already working in a sweatshop in China I'm sure I can squeeze in another 15+ hour job. Oh don't worry yourself that I am being forced to do labor that I am immensely underpaid for. You see I am the person that makes sure the 150 children that are under my rule continue doing their job. I have been trained in many constructive ways to make sure they stop crying for their parents and food.

    I'll await your response. If you like feel free to email me. There is a contact link on the right side of my blog or you can email me at


  3. may the swag be with you my have balls
